Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 Spoilers- Goku vs Arale! The Earth Comes To An End?

Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 Title Is :  “Goku vs Arale! The earth comes to an end due to their battle?” Airing Date: December 4th
Who is Arale?

Arale is the main Character of Akira Toriyama’s Manga Dr. Slump, the manga that first made Toriyama popular and a Millionaire. That shall give you an idea about just how popular Slump was or is in Japan, but the manga or the anime of Dr. Slump was not properly subbed or dubbed or marketed in the west and is thus lesser known. Arale is actually a very powerful character with Superhuman abilities and is powerful enough to destroy the earth by 1 punch or the moon by just throwing a rock at it. She survived being crushed between Earth and Mars. During King Piccolo Saga, Toriyama said Arale would still be a bit stronger than Goku, which is obviously not the case anymore.

I checked out some of the Slump materials, it was too weird and childish for my taste, but that’s just how I feel. Many fans love it, so I suggest you check it out.

However, we get got some fresh ‘ Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 ‘ spoilers courtesy to Anime News Network’ –

Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 Spoilers- Goku vs Arale! The Earth Comes To An End?
Goku and Arale- Dragon Ball Super

The episode will center on an event called the “World Invention Award,” which honors the best innovations in the world. The greatest scientists, including Bulma, gather for the ceremony. Goku is working part-time as a security guard in the event, and Mr. Satan is presenting the award. The award goes to Senbei Norimaki of Penguin Town. As Norimaki is presenting his invention, Dr. Mashirito attacks. Frustrated that he was not invited to the ceremony, he interrupts the proceedings, and for some reason, Arale and Gatchan are at his side.

Arale is one of the main characters of Dragon Ball creator Akira Toriyama’s earlier manga Dr. Slump. The character previously appeared in a sequence of episodes within Dragon Ball , as well as in a Dragon Ball film and several video games. Koyama played the character in the original Dr. Slump anime and in her guest appearances in Dragon Ball.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 Spoilers- Goku vs Arale! The Earth Comes To An End?
Dragon Ball Super Episode 69 Spoilers- Goku vs Arale! The Earth Comes To An End?

Specifically, we saw Arale very briefly in Dragon Ball Super Episode 43. She was also seen in Dragon Ball.For fans that likes and knows Arale they might enjoy the episode, but I wonder how the majority is going to react. I personally think it’s going to be a fun little episode; it does seem like a lot of stories packed into 1 episode. Norimaki is the guy who made Android Arale while Dr. Mashirito was a villain who attacked Arale and company multiple times in the past, but for some reason, we will Arale siding with him in Episode 69.I’m actually quite eagerly waiting to see these fun  in between the arc types of episodes, there’s going to be a baseball match in Episode 68! So, let’s see what happens!

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